
If you are passionate about teaching Offer a course @ Grameen Academy

Share your knowledge and skills with others

Grameen Academy is a participatory learning centre with online and offline courses for building capacities on agroecological approaches, rural livelihoods, business entreprises community organisations and public policy. If you are a practitioner or a trainer who has passion to teach a course which can improve rural can register with us

How to offer a course @ Grameen Academy

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    Join us

    First step is to organise the course!

    Start with your experience and knowledge. Then choose a topic and plan your lessons in Google Docs, Microsoft Excel, or your favorite notebook. You can download templates here.  Compile the course material, structure the course into easy to follow lessons and add quizzes and questions for assessing the learners.

    You get to teach the way you want, from where ever you are. You can plan it as a online course or off line course or a combination of both. You can create courses in multiple languages and inspire more students. If you need help in translation do contact us.

    How we help you
    Grameen Academy offers free courses on how to build your own course, complete with worksheets and real-world examples. Plus, our instructor dashboard and curriculum pages help to keep you on track.

    We strongly believe that practitioners, resource organisations working directly with farmers/rural livelihoods, with a flair to communicate well can be good teachers. The courses need to be focused and based on the original hands on work.

    The Courses can be in any Indian Language and we can help in designing the course.The content can be in the text, audio or video material. Once the outline is mutually aggreed upon we can produce the course.

    We take an agroecological approach to production and a fair trade model in business, equity based approach in public policy and community owned institutional models and individual enterprises. Any knowledge/experience around this can be converted into a course and be offered.
    Grameen Academy also publishes books, produces films and develop resource material.If you are interested in publishing any book or producing any film on any of the the issues impacting on farmers and rural livelihoods, their environment, market and policy response we can partner and do it.

    Grameen Academy also runs a online shop for the books/resource material/films and a popular Youtube Channel ' if you have any material you want to sell or share with others please contact us

    Grameen Academy is also building a online digital library of all the resource material which can help in learning about agroecology, public policy issues etc. So if you have any material on your website please do share the links. If you have any pdf files which can be freely be shared please do share.
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